Это был последний матч волжан в 2024 году. На домашней площадке они крупно проиграли тулякам со счетом 1:5
The main conceptual idea is that the Samara hockey team (ЦСК ВВС) lost their last match of the year to AKM Tula due to various objective reasons, including a high number of injuries. The coach, Sergey Shikanov, acknowledges the loss as a disappointing one but insists that the players were committed and put in their best effort.
The main conceptual idea is that the Samara hockey team (ЦСК ВВС) lost their last match of the year to AKM Tula due to various objective reasons, including a high number of injuries. The coach, Sergey Shikanov, acknowledges the loss as a disappointing one but insists that the players were committed and put in their best effort.